When a new movie or show is about to come out, you see it everywhere. Unapologetically, marketing dollars are spent ensuring that there are posters on the streets, commercials while you watch TV, and glimpses of the trailer while watching other movies. It’s also bound to be plastered all over social media, magazines, and newspapers with interviews and snippets of why you should watch the new movie the day it comes out.
This marketing campaign is done to get you excited about what’s coming. It’s to get you talking about what’s coming. And for most people, this hype is all they need to get their butt into a seat at the theater and watch.
Somehow, I am the opposite. This marketing tells me “this movie/show is so special…it needs to be saved for a special time.” I store it away on my proverbial shelf for just the right moment and wait to watch. I’ll be honest with you, I don’t even know what or when “the right time to watch” is but I wait for it.
There are movies I’ve been wanting to watch for years and I still haven’t seen them because I’m waiting. And I know this sounds absolutely ridiculous, and it kinda is, but there is nothing sweeter than when my imaginative checklist is met and I’ve realized today is the perfect time to watch said movie or series. I mean I just started watching Bridgerton last year, and let me tell you - the joy of being able to binge 2 seasons AND Queen Charlotte!? Unmatchable, lol.
And I never feel like I wasted any time waiting, in fact it feels absolutely kismet. Like it’s coming right into my life when I’m ready for it.
The way I choose to wait to watch movies or television shows, doesn’t really have a major impact on my day to day life. Life continues to life and I keep on doing all the things. But, if you take this same approach that I have with watching a new show and apply it to…a new partner, your finances, your dreams, or anything that you really want to do? Well, then we need to chat.
Because I want you to ask yourself why. Why are you waiting? Are you waiting for people to change, waiting for perfection? Are you waiting for a guarantee? Are you waiting for everything to be under control so you can finally go and live your life? Because if any of these are the reasons you’re waiting, I’m here to remind you that life isn’t waiting for you. Life is moving whether you take the steps or not.
And I TRULY believe what’s for us doesn’t miss us, that timing is everything, and all those other antidotes we carry in our back pocket to keep us feeling good about things we desired that didn’t turn out exactly as we hoped. But I also believe that we can (and do) get in our own way. And that’s a waste of energy.
I wish I could tell you that your waiting for the perfect moment to live the way you want is exactly the same as me waiting for the perfect time to enjoy a show. And there are perfectly good reasons to wait. Maybe you’re healing, maybe you’re not ready, and maybe you need to feel safe or secure to take the next steps. I get that.
But sometimes we’re waiting out of fear. And fear can become a hinderance that keeps us from the very things we want to bring in.
So, I encourage you to ask yourself why you’re waiting. And to go a bit further and ask yourself, if you’re afraid. And then, to go even further, and ask yourself: what do you need to be willing to go after whatever you desire, even if you’re scared?
What do you need to be willing to live a life where your desires and dreams get to come out of you and breathe. What do you need to be willing to move ahead even when those you love are committed to moving behind. What do you need to be willing to do the most loving thing we can do for ourselves, which is to live out loud. Remember, you are brave enough to live fully. You are brave enough to change your mind. You are brave enough to walk even when you’re unsure where you’ll land.
I can’t tell you how many times I thought it was up to me be to be ready, to be perfect, to be fixed. I can’t tell you how many times I thought my “brokenness” was in the way, when in reality I was never broken. But my beliefs about myself were. And the very shifting of those beliefs, the shifting of that deep-seeded fear, was what helped me remember who I really am. And I was brave enough to go for it.
You are brave enough to stop waiting and go for it too. xx
Moments from the last month that brought me so much joy:
I just saw my most recent book, Wisdom of the Path, in bookstores for the first time this weekend! It is the most surreal experience to see your book on shelves and each time I’m truly grateful.
This is very where’s waldo of me, but do you spot it?
This is my view on my morning walk everyday. Each time I come close to the water, I think about something I want to “give” or surrender to the water (very Moana style lol) and I leave it there as I walk past. It’s a simple but powerful mindful moment that I love.
I just saw Inside Out 2 with my kids recently and I loved it for so many reasons. I loved that they were finding ways to name their emotions and not see them as scary or shameful. I loved that even though it was a children’s movie, it gave me a visual for emotions that was so touching and accurate. I shed tears watching this! I shared my two biggest lessons from this film on the clock app!
ps. Look at me not waiting a thousand years to watch a new movie! LOL!
While walking my dog the other day, I saw this sunset and literally gasped. This gelato-esq sky turned everything on the ground level the most beautiful hue. I don’t get to see sunsets or sunrises often, I’m usually hustling and bustling around to get my kids either up or in bed. So although not a huge moment, it felt pretty special.
Lastly, I filmed my first yoga series this month! I’ve taught before but never filmed it and it was quite exciting to do. Can’t wait to be able to share more.
I’m really enjoying this new format of my newsletter. It’s like a recap meets a check-in meets a message we all needed. Yes to changing what isn’t working x.
I hope you feel a little more curious, empowered, and hopeful.
I’ll see you in the next newsletter, Oct 4. Chat soon xx
Thank you. The universe always brings me to you exactly when I need it. I also don't rush to watch movies or shows and my timing is always perfect. Can't wait to read your new book!